
App Developer, skilled in problem-solving and passionate about taking on new challenges. Let's bring your app ideas to life together!

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About Me.


Delighted to have you explore my portfolio. As a final-year B.Tech undergraduate, I've immersed myself in the world of software development. Eagerly showcasing my journey, I've nurtured a strong passion for both App and Web Development. My expertise spans a variety of programming languages, frameworks, and tools, including Android and Flutter app development, Firebase, Sqlite, and the trio of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Join me as I unveil the fruits of my coding endeavors!

  • Education:
    2020 - 2024 | B.Tech @ Haldia Institute of Technology. | CGPA - 9.4
    2018 - 2020| Intermediate @ Kendriya Vidyalaya I.O.C Haldia | Score - 94.2%
  • My Skills Are:
    Android App Development | Flutter App Development | Problem Solving | Firebase | DBMS | Web Dev


Android App

Android App development with modern UI/UX using the latest JetPack Compose and Kotlin. Integration with API, Firebase and other servers for full stack application build.

Problem Solving

Developed a good problem solving skills by solving 450+ questions on Leetcode. Participated in weekly contests for the CP and achieved a 1529 [max-rating].

Flutter App

Flutter app development for the cross-platform benefits and single code base for multilple platforms. Learned use of flutter SDK and modern looking UI desgin with it.


Flutter Mobile App

Rapid Chat App

A cross-platform messaging app developed with Flutter and Firebase. Real-time chatting with Firebase Authentication for secure login registration and Firestore for message storage.

Android App

To-Do Task App

To-Do app using MVVM architecture with Android Architecture Components. Room Database for storing To-Do's, ensuring lifecycle awareness during orientation changes.

Android App

Brain Teaser App

This app tests the speed of your Brain in calculating simple mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Android App

Flashes News App

News App to give you the current topmost headline of India in a precise and compact manner for your busy scheduled day.

Contact Me.

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